Vietnamese Chicken Salad Recipe

Vietnamese Chicken Salad Recipe: Fresh, Flavorful, and Fantastic

Vietnamese Chicken Salad


Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its vibrant flavors and fresh ingredients, and one dish that perfectly encapsulates this is Vietnamese chicken salad or Gỏi gà. This salad is a harmonious blend of tender chicken, crisp vegetables, and aromatic herbs, all brought together by a tangy dressing. Whether you're looking to impress at a dinner party or just want a healthy meal, this recipe is your go-to. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

Ingredients Needed

To make the perfect Vietnamese chicken salad, you’ll need the following ingredients:


  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts


  • 2 cups shredded cabbage
  • 1 cup julienned carrots
  • 1 cup sliced cucumber
  • 1 cup bean sprouts


  • 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 cup fresh mint, chopped
  • 1 cup fresh basil, chopped

Dressing Components

  • 3 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red chili, finely chopped (optional)

Preparation Steps

Prepping the Chicken

First, we need to cook and shred the chicken. You have two main options: boiling or grilling.

Boiling Method

  1. In a pot, bring water to a boil and add a pinch of salt.
  2. Add the chicken breasts and cook for 15-20 minutes or until fully cooked.
  3. Remove the chicken and let it cool before shredding it with a fork.

Grilling Method

  1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
  2. Season the chicken breasts with a bit of salt and pepper.
  3. Grill the chicken for 6-7 minutes on each side or until fully cooked.
  4. Let the chicken cool before shredding.

Chopping the Vegetables

While the chicken is cooking, prepare your vegetables:

  • Shred the cabbage finely.
  • Julienned the carrots.
  • Slice the cucumber thinly.
  • Rinse and drain the bean sprouts.

Mixing the Dressing

Combine all the dressing components in a small bowl. Whisk until the sugar is dissolved and the dressing is well mixed.

Assembling the Salad

Combining the Ingredients

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded chicken, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, bean sprouts, and chopped herbs.
  2. Pour the dressing over the salad.

Adding the Dressing

  • Toss the salad well to ensure that all ingredients are evenly coated with the dressing.

Tossing the Salad

  • Give it a good toss, making sure the dressing is distributed throughout.

Serving Suggestions

Presentation Tips

For an appealing presentation, arrange the salad on a large platter, garnished with extra herbs and a few slices of lime on the side.

Pairing with Other Dishes

This salad pairs wonderfully with steamed jasmine rice or as a side to Vietnamese spring rolls.

Storing Leftovers

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. The salad is best enjoyed fresh but can be a great leftover meal.

Nutritional Information

Health Benefits of the Ingredients

This salad is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. The vegetables provide fiber and vitamins, while the herbs offer antioxidants and the chicken is a great source of lean protein.

Caloric Content

On average, a serving of Vietnamese chicken salad contains approximately 250-300 calories, making it a light and healthy meal option.

Variations of Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Spicy Version

Add extra chilies or a dash of Sriracha to the dressing for a spicy kick.

Vegetarian Version

Replace the chicken with tofu or tempeh for a vegetarian-friendly option.

Different Protein Options

You can use shrimp, pork, or even beef as alternative protein sources.

Tips for Perfect Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Choosing the Best Chicken

Opt for organic or free-range chicken for the best flavor and texture.

Fresh vs. Dried Herbs

Fresh herbs are crucial for this recipe. Dried herbs won't provide the same vibrant flavor.

Balancing Flavors

Taste the dressing before adding it to the salad. Adjust the lime juice, fish sauce, and sugar to achieve a balanced flavor profile.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overcooking the Chicken

Overcooked chicken can be dry and tough. Cook it just until done for the best texture.

Using Too Much Dressing

Too much dressing can make the salad soggy. Add it gradually and taste as you go.

Not Chopping Vegetables Finely Enough

Finely chopped vegetables ensure that every bite is flavorful and easy to eat.

Cultural Significance of Vietnamese Chicken Salad

History of the Dish

Vietnamese chicken salad has a rich history, rooted in the country’s tradition of using fresh, local ingredients.

Regional Variations

Different regions of Vietnam may have their own twists on this classic salad, incorporating local flavors and ingredients.

Role in Vietnamese Cuisine

This salad is a staple in Vietnamese cuisine, often served at family gatherings and special occasions.

Advantages of Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Healthy and Nutritious

As previously mentioned, this salad is packed with nutrients and low in calories, making it a healthy choice.

Easy to Prepare

With a bit of chopping and shredding, you can have this salad ready in no time. It’s a great option for busy weeknights.

Versatile Dish

You can easily customize this salad with different proteins and vegetables to suit your taste.

Disadvantages of Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Short Shelf Life

Because it uses fresh ingredients, this salad is best eaten immediately. It doesn’t keep well for long periods.

Requires Fresh Ingredients

To truly enjoy the flavors, fresh ingredients are a must. This can sometimes be a challenge depending on availability.

May Not Suit All Taste Preferences

The dressing's fish sauce and lime juice combination can be an acquired taste. Not everyone may enjoy the tangy and slightly fishy flavor.


Vietnamese chicken salad is a delightful dish that brings together fresh ingredients, vibrant flavors, and a touch of history. It's simple to prepare and perfect for any occasion. Give this recipe a try and experience a taste of Vietnam in your own kitchen. Happy cooking!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use rotisserie chicken?

Absolutely! Using rotisserie chicken is a great time-saver and adds a delicious flavor to the salad.

How long can I store the salad?

The salad can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days, but it's best enjoyed fresh.

What if I don’t have all the herbs?

You can use the herbs you have on hand, but fresh cilantro, mint, and basil are recommended for the best flavor.

Is it possible to make it ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the components ahead of time and assemble the salad just before serving to keep it fresh.

What sides go well with this salad?

This salad pairs well with steamed jasmine rice, Vietnamese spring rolls, or a light soup.

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